
Selective High School

Selective High School

Selective High School admit children with sharp minds and strong academic backgrounds. They group children with similar abilities and use special teaching methods for them. Selective high schools are unrestricted so that parents can apply from anywhere.

The High Performing Students Team manages Year 7 placement in a selective high school. This is a separate process for applying in schools with specializations like performing arts and sports schools. The Conservatorium High School is a specialist school that uses the Selective High School Placement Test for admission Reading Test

The reading test consists of 30 questions. Students have 40 minutes to complete the test. The questions are based on a diverse range of texts and assess a range of reading skills. The reading test questions are based on different genres such as non-fiction, fiction, poetry, magazine articles and reports.

Mathematical Reasoning Test

The mathematical reasoning test consists of 35 questions. Students have 40 minutes to complete the test. The questions are all multiple choice.

The mathematical reasoning test assesses the student’s ability to apply mathematical understanding and knowledge to problems, with questions drawn from a range of mathematical content areas.

Calculators are not used in the mathematical reasoning test.

Thinking skills Test

The thinking skills test consists of 40 questions. Students have 40 minutes to complete the test. The questions are all multiple choice.

The thinking skills test assesses the student’s ability in critical thinking and problem solving. There are a range of different question types in the test.

No previous knowledge is required for this test.

Writing Test

The writing test consists of a topic about which students must write according to the instructions. Students have 30 minutes to complete the test. The test assesses the student’s creativity of ideas and ability to write effectively for a purpose and audience. The test will also assess grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary. Students who do not address the topic in their writing, regardless of fluency or creativity, will receive low marks.

Students use pencils to show their answers. Multiple choice tests are marked by computer

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